ANXIETY CONVERTER with Coach Amy 2.0
ANXIETY CONVERTER with Coach Amy 2.0
“Life is 10 percent what you experience and 90 percent how you respond to it.” – Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
In these ever-increasing challenging times; learning to cope and move through our feelings of worry, nervousness and unease can cause anxiety to say the least. Join us as we explore a conversation around new ways of working through stressful energies and circumstances we face as individuals and as a collective.
Amy Figueroa is the Founder and CEO of Coach Amy 2.0. Amy possesses a deep-seated penchant to help develop others and has earned over 15 certifications in the professional development of her career. Amy’s coaching philosophy centers on building personal growth through autonomy and self-empowerment. She skillfully teaches her clients to develop these characteristics so these newly acquired traits can become the catalyst for positive change in all areas of their lives. She is also a proud new member of the PACE University Transformative Leadership Advisory Board.
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