
The IFDA Japan Chapter has been inspiring collaboration within the furnishings and design industries to support its people, their products and services. IFDA Japan is a strong, talented, and creative group of people and we strive to celebrate our members. Japan chapter was founded in Jan.2009 with the suggestion by Maureen Klein, IFDANY. Since then the Japan chapter has introduced many design related charity events to Japan including Designer Showhouses, Take a Seat auctions, IFDA Japan on the Road traveling exhibits and so on.

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IFDA 日本支部 IFDA日本支部(IFDA JAPAN CHAPTER)はIFDA本部の承認を受けた初の海外支部として、日本国内の15名のメンバーにより2009年1月1日に設立されました。



設立以来デザイナーショーハウスやTAKE A SEATなどインテリアデザインを広める活動とチャリティを兼ねたユニークな活動やイベント、セミナーを開催してきました。

Visit Our Website

Our President

Atsuko Miyachi


On behalf of Atsuko and all of the IFDA Board here in Japan, welcome! We are thrilled to welcome members from every facet of the furnishing and design industry. The IFDA promotes open sharing, mutual respect, and education, as well as community service and ethical practices.

Contact Info

Nagoya City, Nagoya, Aichi,
Japan 460-0007

P: 81-52-251-6138
E: 55atsuko55@hello.odn.ne.jp

IFDA Japan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFDAjp/
IFDA Japan Designer showhouse facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DSH.IFDA/



Our board Members

Atsuko Miyachi - President, 2024


Naoko Tsuchiya - Secretary


Akiko Yamazaki - Treasurer


Yause Ishikawa - Founder and Past President


Koji Sakai - Co-Chair, Programs


Akiko Kawahara - Co-Chair, Programs


Haruki Senda - Past President


Norihiko Yamawaki - Past President


Kaoru Okeya - Member


Shinobu Kishimoto - Member


Sumiko Tanaka - Member


Goujin Nomura - Member


Makiko Issha - Member


Ikuko Hirono - Member


Diamond Industry Partner

Gold Industry Partners

Silver Industry Partners

Supporting Industry Partners

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Read about the wonderful 2023 IFDA Japan Fair that took place in New York

ニューヨークで開催された素晴らしい2023 IFDAジャパンフェアについて読む

Please click here or on the magazine cover ^ above


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MAY 20-23, 2023







Presenting the IFDA Japan Fair

Part of the NYCxDesign Festival

Please scroll down to see more about each event and how to RSVP.

Saturday, May 20, 12 noon to 4 pm: 

Click on the poster below to RSVP for the 3 presentations being held at Farrow & Ball.

Monday, May 22, 3 pm to 4:30 pm: 

Click on the poster below to RSVP to The Art of Tea, being held at Amuneal.

Tuesday, May 23, 11 am to 1:00 pm: 

Click on the poster below to RSVP to Chinoiserie Design, being held at Sherrill.

Tuesday, May 23, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm: 

Click on the poster below to RSVP to the Farewell Party, being held at Cosentino.


Many thanks to all our event sponsors who made this week possible.


– Find out more about our event sponsors below – 

Sherrill Furniture   https://www.sherrillfurniture.com/

NYCxDesign   https://nycxdesign.org/

Amuneal  https://www.amuneal.com/

 Farrow & Ball   https://www.farrow-ball.com/en-us

Cosentino  https://www.cosentino.com

IFDA Educational Foundation  IFDAEF.org


We hope many of our IFDA colleagues from across the country and world will make plans to join the celebration here in NYC during the wonderful NYCxDesign Festival and the ICFF, International Contemporary Furniture Fair at Javits Convention Center and also get a chance to meet up with our Japan members.  Talk it over with your chapter friends, make it a group field trip or come on your own. If you think you might be interested in visiting during this time, please let Maureen Klein know at getklein@optonline.net or Karen Wirrig, FIFDA at karenwirrig@gmail.com so some of our IFDANY IFDA JAPAN Fair committee can help answer your questions.

Watch for additional events that will be added below

UPDATED April 28, 2023

IFDA Japan Fair
Saturday, May 20 — Tuesday, May 23, 2023

To celebrate, IFDA, the International Furnishings and Design Association, is hosting a Japan Fair in New York City featuring artisans from our Japan Chapter.  We will offer a variety of seminars that showcase architectural preservation (Minka), biophilia and traditional floral design, calligraphy, traditional ceramics, the art of tea and Chinoiserie development and design influences.


Saturday, May 20, 2023
12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Farrow & Ball Upper East Side Showroom
1054 Lexington Ave at 75th St., New York, NY 10021
$10 fee for non-IFDA members

Link to RSVP: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejr62yak6f800ca5&oseq=&c=&ch=

Meet the Artisans—Includes a short overview of topics to come later in the week.
12:30 pm – Preserving Traditional Japanese Architecture—Akiko Kawahara, Renovation Specialist
Explore how traditional Japanese homes have evolved over time and the new interest in their preservation. Akiko will also share some of the renovation steps her firm and others have used to make the Minka house comfortable and suited to a modern dwelling.  Find out more about Akiko Kawahara and her company at: https://kawaharakobo.co.jp.

1:30 pm – Traditional Ceramics of Japan—Goujin Nomura, Ceramic Artist
Goujin will present a visual seminar reviewing some history of Japanese ceramics and how Dashikiyaki (Tachikui furnace) developed in the Hyogo prefecture and his way of creating original Tachikui ceramics, a traditional method of creating these treasured art works.  He will have pieces he has created for viewing and sale. Find more of Goujin Nomura’s work on instagram: @goujin.plantsbase ( https://www.instagram.com/goujin.plantsbase/ ).

2:30 pm – Biophilia / Flower Arranging—Shinobu Kishimoto, Plant Artist and Calligrapher
Watch as Shinobu demonstrates the art of flower arranging and through images shows her work and talks about flower Feng Shui and the relationship between Japanese traditional flower arrangement and Biophilia. She will also show how she incorporates traditional calligraphy as a backdrop to her stunning flower arrangements and table settings. See more at http://www.dfa-kobe.jp and on Instagram: @shinonn,  https://www.instagram.com/shinonn/ .


SUNDAY, May 21, 2023
10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Javits Convention Center, 36th St and 11th Ave, 10014

Convention Center is on the Hudson River, btwn 34-38 St.
ICFF + Wanted Design Manhattan, ICFF.com

10:00 am – 2:00 pm
IFDA Selects Judging at ICFF
If you are an IFDA member and would like to serve as a judge, please contact Erin Nova, IFDA, erinnovator@gmail.com for details.


MONDAY, May 22, 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

River Mansion
337 Riverside Drive at 106th St, 10025
$35 fee if registered on IFDA guided tour 

Kips Bay Decorator Show House
with guided tour by Charles Pavarini III, tour starts at 10:30 sharp.
IFDA arranged a group admission discount for those on this tour.  You Must RSVP at this link. Your name will be checked that morning at the gate.  Do NOT pay in advance.  Payment of $35 (includes admission and guided tour) will be taken at the entry by the Kips Bay staff and only if your name is on our IFDA RSVP list.  Space is limited to 25 people for this tour.
For general information about the Kips Bay Show House and organization, click here.

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Dutch Treat Lunch
A list of suggested restaurants will be provided on this website and/or at the Show House.

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Amuneal Showroom, Suite 1314
NYDC, 200 Lexington Ave at 33nd St, 10016
$10 fee for non-IFDA members

Link to RSVP: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejr7ds0zc4fb33ba&oseq=&c=&ch=

The Art of Tea and Tasting of Her Winning Blend—Sumiko Tanaka, Tea Specialist
Experience with all your senses the pleasure of tea. Sumiko will talk about the history and spirituality of Japanese and English tea, so you learn to appreciate this beverage even more. You will also be able to purchase her award winning tea, it makes the perfect hostess gift or to simply relish at home. Bring your business card for a chance to win a work from Hering Berlin Ceramics, https://www.heringberlin.com/.  They will be exhibiting their fine china at the Amuneal Showroom and providing cups and plates for our tea and sweets tasting.  Find out more about our presenter, Sumiko Tanaka, at https://sstyletea.com/salon, Instagram: @sstyletea, ( https://www.instagram.com/sstyletea/ ).


TUESDAY, May 23, 2023
11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sherrill Furniture Showroom, Suite 808
NYDC, 200 Lexington Ave at 33nd St, 10016
$10 fee for non-IFDA members

Link to RSVP: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejr7ds1ka3a3f80f&oseq=&c=&ch=

Chinoiserie Design—Yasue and Risa Ishikawa, Risabraire Design Studio
Through beautiful visuals and in-hand samples, journey through time to see how chinoiserie design developed through the ages and spread through the world. Learn about the Japanese influence on chinoiserie and the design elements and symbolism of the various motifs and how that appreciation of this style has influenced their production of NEW wallcoverings and fabrics.  Explore their Japanese panoramic wallpaper at: https://www.ocashidesigns.com and website at: https://www.risabraire.com.

5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Cosentino New York City Center, Suite 399
Architects & Designers Building, 150 East 58th St,10155
IFDA Members $10; Guests $20

Link to RSVP: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejr7ds2fe61a6fb1&oseq=&c=&ch=

Arigato Tomodachi • Thank You Friends
Farewell Party with Japanese bites and beverages, kimono dress suggested
Please join us and all of our Japanese colleagues for a final farewell.  We’ll celebrate with a sampling of saki and foods made by our Japanese friends along with bites and beverages (including a signature cocktail),  compliments of our host Cosentino.  You will also be able to see and purchase some of the crafts one last time.  Kimono dress is suggested and a beautiful themed backdrop will be set up so we can all share the festivities on social media.


Light refreshments will be served at all events.
Surprise raffles featured at some of the events.
Additional events may be added.
Advance registration and payment required.
For more info and reservations go to:  IFDA.com Events, May
The IFDA Japan Fair is supported by a grant from the IFDA Educational Foundation, IFDAEF.org.  Please go to their website to see other scholarship and grant opportunities.
Questions? getklein@optonline.net or karenwirrig@gmail.com




Guests from Japan:

Attendees coming to present/participate in IFDA Japan Fair Event. 

To date:

1.   Yasue Ishikawa, Risabraire

2.   Risa Ishikawa, Risabraire

3.   Akiko Yamazak, Risabraire 

4.   Masahiro Uba, Risabraire

5.   Ayako Yoshimura, Risabraire

6    Chiho Tsuruta, Designer 

7.   Shinobu Kishimoto, Plant Artist and Calligrapher

8.   Sumiko Tanaka, Tea Specialist

9.   Akiko Kawahara, Kominka Specialist

10.  Goujin Nomura, Ceramic Artist

11.  Hisanori Yoshida,  Toyota City Hotel Owner

12.  Minami Abe, Student

For more information about the IFDA Japan Fair, please contact Maureen Klein, getklein@optonline.net, Karen Wirrig, FIFDA, karenwirrig@gmail.com, or Yasue Ishikawa, ishikawa@risabraire.com.


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Thursday, May 14, 2021 9:00 AM Japan / Wednesday, May 13, 8:00 PM EDT

To Register for the Kominka event, above, please click here.



Please click here to find out more and to register for this event.


IFDA members may also at their convenience log in to the member portal, click on RESOURCES, and watch and/or download any of the webinars posted.

To register for “Where the Window is Headed: 2020 and Beyond” webinar, click here or on image above ^.


To Register for Digital Printing Event, click here or on image above.



^ Brochure from one of the IFDA Japan Designer Showhouses Which Took Place in a Coastal City Hotel

^ IFDA Japan Hosts IFDA Members from Around the World for a Week of Education, Networking, Sightseeing and Building New Friendships


IFDA Japan Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/IFDAjp/
IFDA Japan Designer Showhouse:  https://www.facebook.com/DSH.IFDA/

11月1日トークショーのご案内  TALK SHOW ON NOV.I, 2019


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