While it is not mandatory that this award be granted annually, it may be given to more than one member in any given year. This award was initiated in 1977 to honor one of IFDA’s own, and is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon member of the organization.
Members who have made notable contributions to the furnishings and design or related fields may be awarded the IFDA Honorary Recognition Award.
Honorary Recognition Nomination Form
Please send completed nomination forms by July 15th to:
Linda Kulla
IFDA Executive Director
22 Marlin Lane
Port Washington, NY 11050
610-225-2365 (Direct Line)
The Nominee must meet the following criteria:
1) Be an professional member of IFDA in good standing for a minimum of 5 years
2) Work in IFDA has made the chapter and/or national organization more visible to other professionals, organizations, or the community at large or has strengthened the organization’s standing in the industry or community
3) Work in his/her profession has prompted IFDA’s visibility and/or strengthened the organization’s standing in the industry or community
4) Impact of the nominee’s contribution must be verified by 2 – 3 letters of reference and photographs, newspaper clippings, or other documentation if appropriate
5) Multi-year efforts are preferable to a one-time contribution of time, talent and/or money
To nominate a member, complete the following:
1) Nomination form
2) 2 – 3 letters of reference, at least 1 letter must be from an individual outside of IFDA
3) Resume or Biography of nominee
4) Include pictures, newspaper clippings or other documentation to verify nominee’s work (limit: 3 pages)
Nominations may be made by an individual or by chapter. They should be kept confidential and should appear in correspondence only to Executive Director Linda Kulla, FIFDA
All nomination profiles including the nomination form, letters of reference, resume/biography and documentaton of work as specified above should be submitted to Linda Kulla, FIFDA at linda@ifda.com.
The Awards Committee will evaluate nominations via conference call and select a qualified candidate.
The winner of the Honorary Recognition Award will be granted a lifetime membership in IFDA in recognition of their contributions to IFDA.