Why Partner with IFDA?

Be a leader

Lead the industry rather than just follow.

Align yourself with the firms and designers making a difference all over the world as leaders in the furnishing and design industry. Associating with these high profile firms and individuals will get you noticed, appreciated and listened to.


Grow with us as we continue to focus on enhancing the professionalism and stature of the industry.

Grow with us as we continue to focus on enhancing the professionalism and stature of the industry.


Our e-blasts average a 42% open rate to over 10,000 contacts!

Be part of a fast growing group of companies and individuals that are recognized as leaders of the trends worldwide.
Where else can you get such a high rate of return and influence for such a reasonable investment?


DIAMOND – $10,000

1. (9) IFDA professional members, 1 in each of 9 National Chapters, with full member access
2. (20) dedicated IFDA e-blasts distributed to the membership : E-blast to be provided by Industry Partner to IFDA for distribution
3. The opportunity to host (4) one-hour “Lunch & Learns” per year. Each Lunch & Learn” will be promoted through an e-mail blast to all IFDA members and others in the industry and will be recorded and featured on the  IFDA International website
4. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA International and Chapter websites
5. Company logo with link and 150 word description of your company to appear on the IFDA Industry Partner’s page on the IFDA website
6. Company logo on all International and Chapter event invitations
7. (3) Mailings of collateral to membership with one time use membership address labels to be provided by IFDA
8. Company logo with link to your website listed in Network Now,  IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters
9. The opportunity to provide a news brief (up to 250 words) and a photo in (9) Network Now “Industry Partner Spotlight” features
10. Verbal recognition at all IFDA events and webinars
11. Recognition on IFDA’s social media pages, (20) posts per year plus reposts by all Chapters
12. Complementary attendance to Virtual Chapter events
13. Opportunity to host 9 IFDA promoted in-person events at partnership showrooms
14. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!

PLATINUM – $7,500

1. (6) IFDA professional members, 1 in each of 6 National Chapters, with full member access
2. (12) dedicated IFDA e-blasts distributed to the membership : E-blast to be provided by Industry Partner to IFDA for distribution
3. The opportunity to host (3) one-hour “Lunch & Learns” per year. Each “Lunch & Learn” will be promoted through an e-mail blast to all IFDA members and others in the industry and will be recorded and featured on the IFDA International website
4. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA of the International and Chapter websites
5. Company logo on all International and Chapter event invitations
6. Company logo with link and 100 word description of your company to appear on the IFDA Industry Partners’ page on the IFDA website
7. (2) Mailings of collateral to membership with one time use membership address labels to be provided by IFDA
8. Company logo with link to your website in  Network Now, IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters
9. The opportunity to provide a news brief (up to 250 words) and a photo in (6) Network Now “Industry Partner Spotlight” features
10. Verbal recognition at all IFDA events and webinars
11. Recognition on IFDA’s social media pages, (12) posts per year plus reposts by all Chapters
12. Complementary attendance to Virtual Chapter events
13. Opportunity to host 6 IFDA promoted in-person events at partnership showrooms
14. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!

GOLD – $5,000

1. (4) IFDA professional members, 1 in each of 4 National Chapters, with full member access
2. (7) dedicated IFDA e-blasts distributed to the membership : E-blast to be provided by Industry Partner to IFDA for distribution
3. The opportunity to host (2) one-hour “Lunch & Learns” per year. Each “Lunch & Learn” will be promoted through an e-mail blast to all IFDA members and others in the industry and will be recorded and featured on the IFDA International website
4. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA International and Chapter websites
5. Company logo with link and 75 word description of your company to appear on the IFDA Industry Partners’ page on the IFDA website
6. Company logo on all International and Chapter even invitations
7. (1) Mailings of collateral to membership with one time use membership address labels to be provided by IFDA
8. Company logo with link to your website in Network Now, IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters.
9. The opportunity to provide a news brief (up to 250 words) and a photo in (4) Network Now “Industry Partner Spotlight” features
10. Verbal recognition at all IFDA events and webinars
11. Recognition on IFDA’s social media pages, (7) posts per year plus reposts by all Chapters
12. Complementary attendance to Virtual Chapter events
13. Opportunity to host 4 IFDA promoted in-person events a partnership showrooms
14. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!

SILVER – $2,500

1. (2) IFDA professional members, 1 in each of 2 National Chapters, with full member access
2. (4) dedicated IFDA e-blasts distributed to the membership : E-blast to be provided by Industry Partner to IFDA for distribution
3. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA International and Chapter websites
4. Company logo with link and 50 word description of your company to appear on the IFDA Industry Partners’ page on the IFDA website
5. Company logo on all International and Chapter event invitations
6. Company logo with link to your website listed on the front page of Network Now, IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters.
7. The opportunity to provide a news brief (up to 150 words) and a photo in (2) Network Now “Industry Partner Spotlight” features
8. Verbal recognition at all IFDA events and webinars
9. Recognition on IFDA’s social media pages, (4) posts per year
10. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!


1. (1) IFDA professional member, 1 in 1 National Chapter, with full member access
2. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA International and Chapter websites
3. Company logo wtih link and 30 word description of your company to appear on the IFDA Industry Partners’ page on the IFDA website
4. Company logo on all International and Chapter event invitations
5. Company logo with link to your website in Network Now, IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters
6. Verbal recognition at all IFDA events and webinars
7. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!

FRIEND – $1,000

1. Company logo featured on homepage of the IFDA International and Chapter websites
2. Company logo to appear on the IFDA Industry Partner’ page on the IFDA website
3. Company logo on all International and Chapter event invitations
4. Company logo with link to your website listed in Network Now, IFDA’s monthly newsletter and on all Chapters’ newsletters
5. IFDA Industry Partner logo with link to IFDA website for display on your website

Apply Today!


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