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Leverage LinkedIn Like it is Your Business Today
Wednesday September 2, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC-4
Wednesday, Sept. 2nd
11:00 AM
LinkedIn is so much more than a job board.
If you aren’t using it to earn a network of dynamic cohorts and establish yourself as an industry leader, you’re leaving a lot of value on the table.
Garette Johnson will share insights on how to use LinkedIn
to build your network, hold an on-line presence and target
your ideal customers and collaborators.
You will come away with:
- Why your profile isn’t a resume and how you should be writing your summary.
- How to connect with people and build your network in the most authentic and meaningful way.
- How to build your reputation and establish credibility by sharing in the conversation.
- Live Q&A with Garette at the end of the presentation.
About Garette Johnson:
Garette is a Creative Strategist, and Visual Designer at Garrott Designs with over a decade of brand development expertise across fashion, interiors, consumer insights and lifestyle industries.
As an independent consultant, Garette informs future facing projects that support brand growth with international, private and corporate clients. Garrette’s ability to connect disparate ideas, people and industries has been her greatest contribution to our IFDA board and community. She is also the 2019 recipient of the IFDAEF Valerie Moran Grant awarded for her professional research of futures studies and urban design in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Contact Garette at garrott@garrottdesigns.com and via LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/garette-johnson-a306497/